Non-Surgical Nose Job NYC
Open 7 Days a Week for Treatment
New York, NY
The Non-Surgical 15 minute Nose Job, pioneered by Dr. Gary, is a simple no down time technique to change the shape of your nose with a few simple injections of filler substances named Radiesse, Juvederm, Perlane, Artefill, Restylane, Silicone
What Options Would Allow me to Lose 2-3 Years on the Face? (photo)
Hi, I need advice on deciding upon a procedure, either surgical or non-invasive, that would allow me to look 2-3 years younger than I am. Should I get radiesse or would I need a facelift or what? Based on the photos, please make a guess about my chronological age. I haven't mentioned it, just so to prove a point. Thanks alot.
premature aging male options younger
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6 Doctor Answers | Asked by mekayal
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Options without surgery to look younger
I'm guessing you are in your mid to late twenties. The only thing I really see is that you look a bit "tired" with some dark circles beneath your eyes. This might be able to be helped with either Restylane or simply some good skin care products, perhaps even a chemical peel. I think your hair looks better in the last photo. Makes you look young. Maybe consider a new hairdo!
What Options Would Allow me to Lose 2-3 Years on the Face?
From the photos, you face doesn't appear aged however, it could be more angular which equates, IMHO, to ruggedly handsome. The easiest thing to start with is a soft tissue filler, like Perlane to create more angular cheeks and Rdaiesse to create a more flared jaw line. Both are performed as office procedures.
Consider fillers, NOT a face lift
The only issue I see is some flatness in the mid face region/ under eye area. Either Radiesse or Restylane would be good options depending on how near the eye needs to be injected. I prefer Restylane for tear troughs and Radiesse for mid face. (Some prefer Juvederm for tear troughs) Sometimes we use more than one filler in one session. This is a very tricky area so please make sure you are seeing someone with quite a bit of experience. I would recommend going to the Radiesse