Non-Surgical Nose Job NYC
Open 7 Days a Week for Treatment
New York, NY
The Non-Surgical 15 minute Nose Job, pioneered by Dr. Gary, is a simple no down time technique to change the shape of your nose with a few simple injections of filler substances named Radiesse, Juvederm, Perlane, Artefill, Restylane, Silicone
What Are the Pros and Cons of Radiesse, Juvederm, and Artefill for the Non Surgical Nose Job?
I am considering getting a non-surgical nose job to heighten my nose bridge (I have a flat asian nose). I am not sure which filler to use though. I know the pros, but what are the cons (side effects) of each filler? Thank you!
filler pros and cons risk
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3 Doctor Answers | Asked by chelsea.hong. in Los Angeles, CA
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Augmenting a nose with fillers
A filler such as juvederm or restylane is a great starting point for augmenting the nose because they are widely used and tested, and because if you weren't happy with them, there is an antidote (hyaluronidase). They will typically last 12-18 months in this location. If you then decide that you really like the look, then I think it reasonable to consider a longer lasting filler like radiesse or artesense which do not have an antidote if you are unhappy with them.
Non Surgical Nose Job with Fillers
Dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane have been used to augment noses without surgery. As with all fillers, these add volume to the area where they are employed. Patients with asymmetric noses, bumps or depressions on their nasal bridge, and very thin noses would be potential candidates. In these patients, the filler can be used to reshape the nose, smoothing out the bump or depression, or adding thickness and bulk to specific areas of the nose. If your concern is that your nose is.