Non-Surgical Nose Job NYC
Open 7 Days a Week for Treatment
New York, NY
The Non-Surgical 15 minute Nose Job, pioneered by Dr. Gary, is a simple no down time technique to change the shape of your nose with a few simple injections of filler substances named Radiesse, Juvederm, Perlane, Artefill, Restylane, Silicone
I have a really turned up nose, but I don't mind that as much as the crease RIGHT down the center. I'm very conscious of it as I model a lot and it makes a shadow in photos and ruins them!
I'm afraid to get anything permanent. I already had Botox. Is there an injectable that can round out the crease? Could an injectable cause scarring? Also, what average cost would I be looking at? Thanks.
nose female costs crease injection permanent
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6 Doctor Answers | Asked by Teazerbee in Nashville, TN
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The vertical crease down the center of your nasal tip may be minimized by an Injectable Filler treatment.
I think you're an excellent candidate for a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty treatment. You appear to have very thin skin, and firm tip-cartilage so you can see the vertical crease in between your two lower-lateral cartilages. Your thin-skin / firm cartilage combination makes you a challenging Rhinoplasty Surgery candidate. I would strongly suggest keeping surgery as a last resort. I know you don't want anything permanent, but I have had excellent success correcting this crease using Silikon-1000.... more
Fillers for a bifid nasal tip.
While traditional surgical rhinoplasty provides much wider options in terms of reshaping the nose, filling in a bifid tip such as you've shown, can be a simple in-office procedure. For non-surgical rhinoplasty, I typically start with a temporary filler such as Juvederm so that the patient can see whether they like the effect without having committed to something permanent. If they enjoy that look, then a permanent filler such as Artefill can be used. Using temporary fillers only requires.