How to Add Dimension to a Flat Face? NYC New York NY

Non-Surgical Nose Job NYC Open 7 Days a Week for Treatment New York, NY The Non-Surgical 15 minute Nose Job, pioneered by Dr. Gary, is a simple no down time technique to change the shape of your nose with a few simple injections of filler substances named Radiesse, Juvederm, Perlane, Artefill, Restylane, Silicone

How to Add Dimension to a Flat Face?

How, surgically or non-surgically, can I add dimension to my face. I want to be an actress and it's a very vein profession so I have to look my best thanks!

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13 Doctor Answers | Asked by wuzzie12  in saintlouis
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How to Add Dimension to a Flat Face?
Aesthetically, IMHO your cheeks should be more full and round in front and your upper lip fuller. You could start with Perlane to the Cheeks and Juvederm to the upper lip. Becuase there's no inherent magic in any fillers or treatments, It's paramount that you select an MD that understands and follows the proper aesthetics of facial beauty for the creation of a naturally, more attractive, feminine face.

Fillers such as Juvederm & Radiesse as well as Sculptra are a great place to start
There are several good products to add more dimension to the face. Each has its own characteristics, and is sometimes used in combination with others.. Strictly speaking, Sculptra is not a filler - it stimulates you to produce your own filler (collagen). We have seen very nice subtle facial enhancements with all of these products.